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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!
Đây là câu trả lời đã được xác thực
Câu trả lời được xác thực chứa thông tin chính xác và đáng tin cậy, được xác nhận hoặc trả lời bởi các chuyên gia, giáo viên hàng đầu của chúng tôi.
=> Yesterday I went to the EDM event with my friends at the National Stadium. We decided to go to the concert because we wanted to see our idols. The event was so amazing. We had a chance to enjoy delicious food from different countries. After a light meal, we made our way to our seats and waited in line for 30 minutes at the stadium's gate. There were many exciting performances by well-known singers from all over the world. They were confident and beautiful on stage. When the MEM band appeared, everyone was excited. Each member of the band performed professionally and brilliantly. This was an incredible and unforgettable experience. I'm extremely grateful to have had that opportunity.
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