Part 1: Read and write the keywords in each sentence.
A: I wouldn't like to be famous. I would hate people to 1______ me all the time. You would always be followed by 2 ______ and never able to have a private life. Being followed on a good day, when you've been to the hairdresser and are wearing your best jeans, is perhaps 3 ______, but can you imagine how it would make you feel on a bad day?
B: I would love to be famous. I would adore all the 4 ______ and the special treatment. Everywhere I went, people would know my name and I wouldnt need to 5 ______ any more. The best part, though, would be meeting other famous people. I can imagine that would be so 6 ______. They would come to my 7______ yacht and I would 8 _____ their mansions.