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Newspapers accuse a well-known footballer of anti-social behavior in a nightclub. His manager makes a public statement in which he asserts that the young man is innocent. When asked what makes him so sure, the manager says 'he looked me straight in the eye when he told me."
Can we really know whether or not someone is telling the truth just by looking in their eyes? Psychologist Robert James is far from convinced. 'By and large, maintaining eye contact is something liars do because eye movements are fairly easy to control.'
Communications expert Becky Rhodes shares his skepticism. 'Body language clues are never precise ..... to rely on with absolute confidence.' she says. She illustrates this by describing the 'Othello error', named after Shakespeare's tragic character who claims his wife has been deceiving him and then interprets her shocked reaction of guilt. 'Personally, the minute I see a security guard watching me in a shop, I start looking guilty, so my body language definitely doesn't reflect the truth about me.
*make a statement : đưa ra 1 tuyên bố công khai
*eye contact : giao tiếp bằng mắt
* reflect : phản chiếu, phản ánh
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