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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!
Đây là câu trả lời đã được xác thực
Câu trả lời được xác thực chứa thông tin chính xác và đáng tin cậy, được xác nhận hoặc trả lời bởi các chuyên gia, giáo viên hàng đầu của chúng tôi.
18, If they cleaned the windows, the room would not look rather dark.
19, If he polished his shoes, he would look smart.
20, If he paid his staff properly, they would work well.
21, If we had central heating, the house would not be rather cold.
22, If I had a dog, I would like being alone in the house at night.
23, If he didn’t spend hours watching television, he would have time to do odd jobs in the house.
24, If I had a vacuum cleaner, I would not be so slow.
25,If I knew his address, I could write to him.
26, If he shaved, he would look attractive.
27, If you didn’t work too fast, you would not make so much mistakes.
28, If I could park near my office, I would come by car.
29, If I didn’t live a long way from the centre, I would not be always late for work.
30,If I had a map, I would direct you.
31, If people didn’t drive very fast, there would not be so many accidents.
32, If English people didn’t speak very quickly, I could understand them.
33, If my house weren’t guarded by two Alsatian dogs, it would be broken into every night.
34, If the flats were clearly numbered, it would not be very difficult to find anyone.
35, If you wiped your feet, you would not make muddy marks all over the floor.
36, If I lived near my office, I would not spend much time travelling to work.
Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
Trả lời:
18, If they cleaned the windows, the room would not look rather dark.
19, If he polished his shoes, he would look smart.
20, If he paid his staff properly, they would work well.
21, If we had central heating, the house would not be rather cold.
22, If I had a dog, I would like being alone in the house at night.
23, If he didn’t spend hours watching television, he would have time to do odd jobs in the house.
24, If I had a vacuum cleaner, I would not be so slow.
25,If I knew his address, I could write to him.
26, If he shaved, he would look attractive.
27, If you didn’t work too fast, you would not make so much mistakes.
28, If I could park near my office, I would come by car.
29, If I didn’t live a long way from the centre, I would not be always late for work.
30,If I had a map, I would direct you.
31, If people didn’t drive very fast, there would not be so many accidents.
32, If English people didn’t speak very quickly, I could understand them.
33, If my house weren’t guarded by two Alsatian dogs, it would be broken into every night.
34, If the flats were clearly numbered, it would not be very difficult to find anyone.
35, If you wiped your feet, you would not make muddy marks all over the floor.
36, If I lived near my office, I would not spend much time travelling to work.
Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?
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